Parallel circuit are those types of circuits in which break in one branch does not prevent the flow of current in the circuit and the current can still flow through another branch because there are more ways through which the current moves to other sources while on the other hand, series circuit refers to those circuits in which break in one branch can prevent the current flow in the circuit and the other sources can't receive current due to broken of the connection.
Most of the heavy metals on earth came from outer space from supernovas
This occurs when stars die
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<span>B. explains how mass can be converted into huge amounts of energy
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In the 1800s, Darwin explains the origin of species. As species originate through adaptation by natural selection.
Answer: Species originate through adaptation by natural selection
The Origin of species through natural selection is a pioneering scientific effort of the British naturalist Charles Darwin in England. Darwin's theory is that organisms are gradually evolving through what is called "natural selection"
It is a process in which organisms change due to hereditary changes in physical or behavioural traits. Changes that allow the body to better adapt to its surroundings, help it survive and have more offspring.
<span>Fats, oils and cholesterol are all types of lipids.Lipids are biomolecules that consist in long chains of carbons and hydrogen, insolubles in water (becauise they are not polar). Many lipids have in common the functional group corboxilic, COOH. Cholesterol, fats and oils all have carboxlic group. </span>