a plantation owner in the low country
The Democratic-Republican party was one of the two most common parties in the 1700s in the United States.
The party which differs from the Federalist party in policies and ideologies favored the idea of making the United States economy built on agriculture with the hope that the United States would be the agricultural provider for all foreign countries across the globe.
The party also favored all U.S. families to possess their personal farm.
Hence, "a plantation owner in the low country" would have most likely supported the Democratic-Republican Party in the late 1700s
Jamestown which was made in 1585.
a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
In the years before the Civil War, the Planters in South Carolina and Mississippi.
The South was the society divided not only between the whites and blacks, but among the whites themselves, they were called Planter Aristocracy. Some of all Southerners owned no slaves at all.