Answer:I think you meant what is the difference between the latitude and longitude?
The difference is latitude Specifies locations distance north or south of the equator. The longitude specifies the location distance east or west from imaginary line connecting the north and south poles called the primary meridian
These areas had the most resources.
When you are settled by rivers, you have the sources you need to grow crops, raise life such as cows, pig, chicken. Not only this but you also have a place to bath, collect drinking water, and wash clothing. Life thrives more on river sides rather than inland during these times as they did not have all the tech we do today.
5,778 K
The core of the sun is so hot and there is so much pressure, nuclear fusion takes place: hydrogen is changed to helium. Nuclear fusion creates heat and photons (light). The sun's surface is about 6,000 Kelvin, which is 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit (5,726 degrees Celsius).
Option A is the correct answer (Area Residents)
The area residents would gain from the benefits of having a cleaner water resources and they would be the one to enjoy thriving from a unique and thriving ecosystem.
A free rider is simply a person or group of people benefiting from a program without having to put any effort or pay a dime for it. In this light, it can be seen why the area residents are the free riders from the example.