slavery in the ancient world:
-involved captured prisoners for war
-often included a chance of freedom
-included diverse groups of people
slavery in the 1600s&1700s:
-was often for life
-involved organized trade networks
-was based on race
The focus on selling indulgences became so important because when the Renaissance period came, the church was losing its power, so people were able to freely buy things they wanted, even if they didn't needed them, and to not fear about being charged, beaten up, or even end up dead just because the church didn't thought its appropriate. Also, a very big factor was the fact that the people in this period, in general, had more money than the people in the Middle Ages, so the increased financial power enabled them to buy things that they found interesting but were not necessities.
The Yuan Dynasty suppressed Chinese culture, while the Ming Dynasty promoted it
There were many different reasons for the cold war, I'll only include a few.
Firstly the breakdown the the wartime alliance; Russia(soviet union) and America never got along but they both put aside their differences to fight against a common enemy, Hitler. Their hatred for Hitler kept the alliance going through the war however when Germany was defeated, they had no reason to stay friends.
They also have different ideological beliefs. America believed in capitalism, where there was a free economy with privately owned businesses and people making profit. Whereas the Ussr believed in communism, where the economy is controlled by the state, businesses are controlled by the state and a doctor would have the same wages as a cleaner- They wanted it to be fair for people.
Stalin was angry that Britain and America kept delaying D-Day, believing it was a plot to allow Germany to weaken the Soviet Union therefore there was tension.
Stalin wanted huge reparations from Germany, and a ‘buffer’ of friendly states to protect the USSR from being invaded again.
Britain and the USA wanted to protect democracy, and help Germany to recover. They were worried that large areas of eastern Europe were falling under Soviet control.
It was difficult to come to an agreement.
There was resentment;
Britain and the USA could not forget that Stalin had signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Germany in 1939.
The Soviet Union could not forget that in 1918 Britain and the USA had tried to destroy the Russian Revolution
There are a few more I've missed out, but here's a good starting point.