Do you have an example of the "text"? It's difficult to answer a question like this without seeing the text itself.
Main pieces of imagery can be something describing how stuff looks, smells, feels, or what it sounds like. It should create a picture in your head. So whatever helps illustrate the text for you is an example of imagery! Hope this helps!
Snickers- disrespectful laugh, Snares- to catch something (animal), Complexion- the skin and features of face, Confide-to tell someone something private, Benefit- a gained advantage, Volume- a publication (as a book) & Bother- to take the time to do something :) you’re welcome!
Ok, So I Would Say All Of Them Do Because President Should Be Capitalized. But The Answer Your Looking For Is C: Nation Should Be Capitalized.
He has thought about this
The climax or turning point of a narrative work is its point of highest tension and drama, or it is the time when the action starts during which the solution is given. The climax of a story is a literary element.