The answer is Abolitionists
Black butler-anime
orange marmalade- k-drama
boku no hero-anime
To alienate the jews and also that they couldn’t leave the country and escape.
The correct answer is reverse double standard.
Double standards is described as <span>the </span>software of different sets<span> of </span>principles<span> for </span>comparable situations<span>. </span>it's far maximum typically seen<span> as a decisive </span>psychological tool<span> used to </span>protect<span> one’s ego or </span>unconscious<span> from the shortcomings </span>of 1<span>’s </span>very own<span> set of values or contrasting principals. </span>it's miles<span> the employment of a hypocritical and biased </span>standpoint<span>, with which </span>to separate<span> the </span>reputedly terrible<span> in others from the </span>bad<span> in oneself </span>by using<span> having </span>two sets<span> of </span>guidelines<span> for the </span>same idea<span>.</span>