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Un objeto de masa 200 g es colocado en A como se muestra en la FIGURA 2. El resorte en el fondo de la vía tiene una fuerza constante de 400 Nm". El objeto se desliza hacia abajo y finalmente comprime el resorte. Determine la compresión máxima del resorte.
Eduardo got sick and he was in pain. He didn't know what it was so he went to hospital to find out. He waited for the Doctor for some answers and when Doctor arrived, he said that he has food poisoning near his upper stomach. He started to get even more pain but the Doctor doesn't want to lose his patient. The Doctor did surgery on Eduardo. Many hours later, Eduardo woke up and felt like he had no pain no more. He gave thanks to the Doctor and didn't died. He went on in his life like nothing happened. The end(: