1. A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t not eat meat, fish and sometimes other animal products for moral, religious or health reasons.
2. Vegetables are good because they don’t have cholesterol which can lead to cardiovascular disease. They also have many nutrients including potassium, fibre etc. They can help maintain healthy blood pressure.
3. Being a vegetarian helps the environment by reducing the amount of meat consumption and this can lead to more healthy growth of plants since there are less animals to eat them.
4. If the school forced students to eat more vegetables, this may be a violation against their human rights but it does help them gain their daily nutrients and helps them grow.
Political science
If it makes it easier, when trying to find the direct object in a sentence you have to ask yourself what the subject is receiving. What did Mr. west study?
Political science
Boys' .
These are common examples and how to apply these rules.
The boy's video game console. (It belongs to a single boy.)
The Cathedral boys' will be playing. (Whereas boys' refers to a group of boys.)
1. Nature is physical beauty
2. Nature supplies emotional comfort, inspiration, and understanding
3. Nature is a type of divine presence