At a weekend beach party, Bella meets Jacob Black, a Quileute teen, who tells her of a Quileute legend that says the Cullens are vampires, albeit ones who hunt animals rather than people.
Autobiography is one type of biography, which tells a life story of its author, meaning it is a written record of the author's life. ... Such stories include Charles Dickens' David Copperfield, and J.D Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. In writing about personal experience, one discovers himself.
The idea stressed in the passage is:
C) the dismantling of an acquired state.
"The Prince" is a famous book by Machiavelli that explains his views on how to obtain and maintain power. In this particular excerpt, Machiavelli is defending the idea that dismantling an acquired state is necessary if the intention is to have power over it and keep it. He says, "The Romans, in order to hold Capua, Carthage, and Numantia, dismantled them, and did not lose them," using this fact as an example to prove his point. According to Machiavelli, when people belonging to the conquered state are used to having freedom, if you do not take that freedom away, they will use it to destroy you. Therefore, in order to stay in power, dismantling the conquered state is crucial.
The Age of Discovery saw an increase in ocean travel, which allowed churches to send representatives to distant lands to spread Christianity.<span>