John had 2y sandwiches
Amanda's Daughter had 2y-1 sandwiches
(Write about easter traditions in my house)
tradycje wielkanocne w moim domu zmieniają się w naprawdę ładne ubrania, a następnie czekają w domu, aż moi rodzice ukryją pisanki, a potem pójdziemy je znaleźć i potem zrobimy zdjęcia na zewnątrz
Easter traditions in my house change into really nice clothes, and then wait at home until my parents hide the eggs, then we go to find them and then take pictures outside
Since A, B and C are correct. I think the answer is D. Linguistic grammaticality and content or effective communication are separate matters.
The first and longest phase of mitosis is prophase. During prophase, chromatin condenses into chromosomes, and the nuclear envelope (the membrane surrounding the nucleus) breaks down.
1.haoled di whym slkon
2.wo ih dubor 67
3.quer su firo duco