He got the France to join him in the war
D.The Egyptians could not build roads, and therefore they had to depend on the Nile river for transportation.
Golden Horde was the name for the region. It was founded by Batu Khan, grandson to Genghis Khan. They were predominately known and feared for their military might. At its peak, they controlled most of eastern Europe.
Andrew Jackson influenced the creation of the Democratic Party and the growth of Democracy by:
A) Making the Democratic party a champion of the "common man"- Jackson himself was known as the "Champion of the common man" due to his humble upbringings and rise to national prominence. Jackson was an advocate of small farmers and giving them the ability to participate in politics. This is what lead to the growth of democracy.
B) Eliminating of property requirements in order to vote- Andrew Jackson helped to get rid of laws that limited voting to white males who owned a certain amount of property. This helped to grow American democracy because it allowed more people to vote. This would help him to win re-election.