The Truman Doctrine (1947) was designed to support anti-communists
and resist the spread of communism. Initially, it stated that the
United States would support both Turkey and Greece with economic
and military aid, preventing them falling into the Soviet sphere.
Ans: Simply draw two (or three) large circles and give each circle a title, reflecting each object, trait, or person you are comparing. Inside the intersection of the two circles (overlapping area), write all the traits that the objects have in common. You will refer to these traits when you compare similar characteristics.
Personally, i don't think he is.
John Brown Believed that the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery is by doing an armed revolt. We have to aware that in his Era, slavery is very common. Is like owning a dog in this era. He probably tried to convince the slave owners to realize the value of human's dignity no matter what the race is but nobody agrees with his point of view.
The delegates agreed they needed a national government. But they were afraid of making one that was too strong. They believed that most of the powers of government should be kept by the states because citizens could control state governments more easily than they could control a national government.