she sing bad guy, ocean eyes, and therefore I am.
Hello. Unfortunately the texts your question refers to are not available and this makes it impossible for me to answer your question properly. However, I will try to help you as best I can.
To discover the message these two works share, you will need to read both texts. This message is the theme, the lesson that the author of the two texts wants to present to the reader. You can find this message by reading the texts and answering the question "What are these texts trying to teach me?"
Answer: It's the 22nd Century. A tough, pioneering people mine the moon for Helium-3 to produce energy for a desperate, war-torn Earth. Sixteen-year old Crater Trueblood loves his job as a Helium-3 miner. But when he finds courage he didn’t know he had and saves a fellow miner, his life changes forever. Impressed by his heroism, the owner of the mine orders Crater to undertake a dangerous mission. Crater doubts himself, but he has no choice. He must go.
With the help of Maria, the mine owner’s frustrating but gorgeous granddaughter, and his gillie—a sentient and sometimes insubordinate clump of slime mold cells—Crater must fight both human and subhuman enemies. He’ll battle his way across a thousand miles of deadly but magnificent lunar terrain before vaulting into the far reaches of space, there to recover an astonishing object that could mean the difference between life and death for every inhabitant on the moon.
Answer: The cherubin were angels, and in Macbeth's simile the couriers were not blind but invisible horses evidently coming to exact revenge for the murder. The word "horsed" shows that the "sightless couriers" are invisible horses.