Delegates to the U.N. climate change conference in Poland from many of the world's poorer nations are asking wealthier countries to pay compensation to the impoverished countries bearing the brunt of climate change. Melissa Block talks to Munjurul Hannan Khan, negotiator and spokesman for the Least Developed Countries Group about the tensions between rich and poor countries.
The Latin American Wars of Independence, which occurred in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, were heavily influenced by the American and French Revolutions and resulted in the formation of a number of independent Latin American countries.
- Spanish American wars of independence and 19th-century revolutionary wars against European colonial rule are examples of Latin American revolutions.
- The Latin American Wars of Independence were the numerous revolutions that occurred in Latin America during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, resulting in the formation of a number of independent countries.
- The immediate cause of the war was Napoleon's attack of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) in 1807 and 1808, but it also had its origins in the growing dissatisfaction of creole elites (people of Spanish ancestry born in Latin America) with the constraints put by Spanish imperial rule.
Learn more about the Latin America Revolution, here-
Things to remember when grouping ideas into an outline:
1. Have a theme or thesis that will guide the organization of your ideas. If you try to include everything that might be said about a subject, your project will be too broad and might provide too much random information. Find a focus -- a theme you want to show or a thesis you intend to defend and demonstrate.
2. Have a coherent pattern in how you organize your ideas. There could be more than one sort of pattern -- maybe a chronological flow, maybe biggest concepts first, followed by smaller supporting points. But look for links between your points. What will be the transitions from each point to the next as you write?
3. Keep your audience in mind. Remember that you're presenting your work to others, and seek to include material and arrange material in ways that will reach the intended audience. You wouldn't include a high amount of technical detail on military aircraft specifications, for instance, in writing a report for non-military people about how a particular battle was a turning point in a war.
It is basically saying energy cannot be created or destroyed , only transformed. hope i helpled :D