Raynaud's phenomenon refers to an ailment featured by blood vessel unusuality resulting due to overactivity of the smooth muscle in the wall of arteries, causing spasms (vasospasms with constriction) of the small vessels, which supply blood to the legs, arms, feet, and hands, and sometimes the nose and ears.
Thromboangiitis obliterans, also known as Buerger's disease and vasculitis, is characterized by thrombosis and inflammation of the small and medium arteries of the feet and legs that recurs and advances in phases.
The effect differs. It could produce a different amino acid in the sequence because the corresponding codon has changed. It could also prevent the production of the originally intended sequence by changing one of the amino acids of a "start" codon (aka AUG) or extend the protein's sequence by modifying a "stop" codon (UAA, UAG, UGA or UGG), producing a new protein that might be useless or have different effects on the cell.
In fetal circulation, the ductus venosus bypasses the liver and the ductus arteriousus bypasses the lungs. Ductus arteriosus also called ductus botalli is a blood vessel connecting the main pulmonary artery to the proximal ascending aorta. It does allow most of the blood from right ventricle to bypass the fetus's fluid-filled non-functioning lungs. Ductus venosus on the hand allows oxygenated blood from the placenta to bypass the liver.
the answer is in between a and c because it is maybe because of liking the fish or work
So first transcription takes place which is a RNA that translates DNA Template. So an example would be DNA has AGCGTCAATCTA this will be translated into UCGCAGUUAGAU
Then this message is send off to become a protein with the MRNA which then comes Translation which is the process of converting UCGCAGUUAGAU into a protein and the way it’s done is by this message going through a ribosome and gets translated by TRNA that brings amino acids together to form codons and create your protein.