Answer and Explanation:
A possible explanation as to why animals are used in the story instead of humans is because animals are less complex than humans. In "Animal Farm", the characters do represent real humans: Lenin, Stalin, the Russian people. However, <u>their traits and actions are simplified, which makes it easier for readers to grasp what the author is trying to convey.</u> For instance, the Soviet leaders are represented by the pigs which, in the story, are the only animals intelligent enough to know anything about leading and managing. Precisely because they are more intelligent and have access to power, the pigs begin to act as dictators. On the other hand, most of the other animals are incapable or learning anything or understanding the situation. That is to show how the Russian people were kept in the dark concerning reality, and how easy it was to mistreat them precisely because they did not possess the knowledge or means to fight back.
I'm not sure about the page numbers, specifically, but I can give you a few examples of violence in the book to give you an idea of where in the book to look :)
When Ponyboy is jumped by the Soc's in the very beginning of the book, (just a few pages in), the several rumbles initiated by the gang, when Johnny and Ponyboy are getting beat up in the park, when Johnny kills the Soc, the rumble the gang goes to for Johnny after he dies in the hospital, when Dally is shot by the cops, and that's all I remember, though I'm sure there is more :)
I hope this helped though!!
If it’s easy, you could try to figure it out if not message me:)