Not entirely sure but I believe it is the Antebellum Period
Hope I Helped!
Latin American country : Argentina
8 questions (& answers) about Argentina's government & politics :
What is basic framework of Argentina's politics : It's framework is based on constitutionally defined 'federal presidential representative democratic republic'
Who is the head of Argentina's state & government : It is the President
Who is Argentina's current president : He is Alberto Fernandez
How is Argentina's legislative power arranged ? : It is in the two chambers of their National Congress (Upper & Lower House)
What is the nature of Argentina's judiciary? : It is independent of legislature, executive
Political representatives are selected in which way? : They are selected on the basis of multi party election
Which are some of the main political parties ? : They are Judicialist Party, Radical Civic Union
Which are some of important political pressure groups : Argentine Rural Society, Argentine Industrial Union
In Africa: Lagos, Nigeria 21.0 million people
1. The impeachment of President Bill Clinton. This is an example of a check and balance by the Legislative branch on the Executive branch. Because the legislature thought Clinton was surpassing his authority, they tried to impeach him to reduce his power/influence.
The system of checks and balances is the way for one branch of government to limit the power of another branch