The 60's was characterized by a youth that opposed the establishment, in other words, they wanted new ways to express their freedom. They wanted to fight against the accepted norms and rules that dominated that time, the hippie movement is a clear example of that, spreading free love and an anti war ideology. One way of showing this was turning to toher religions rebelling to their parents beliefs and norms which represented everything old and static. They tought a different world was possible and they fighted for it.
A lot of social movements took place in that decade, the Social Rights Movement, the Vietnam War and the anti-war movements, the Cuban Revolution opened the doors for a revolutionay thinking; every thing that appeared to be stablished was questioned and tested.
Confucianism is the philosophy developed by the Chinese philosopher Confucius. His philosophy was all about how to treat people socially, and placed an emphasis on respect and manners.