Eliminating child labor is problematic (in third world countries) because of outsourcing. We have our products made in foreign countries with no child labor laws because it's cheaper. We eliminate child labor, the price of production goes up and bushiness have to charge more to cover the costs, hiking the prices to consumers in our economy. Therefore, big companies don't really want child labor to be eliminated. A lot more could be done about it, but many people choose not to help for their own personal gain.
State Route 88 (SR 88), also known as the Carson Pass Highway, is a California State Highway that travels in an east–west direction, from Stockton, crossing the Sierra Nevada at Carson Pass, and ending at the border with Nevada, whereupon it becomes Nevada State Route 88, eventually terminating at U.S. Route 395.
Kola Nuts sold as trade -west africa
niger one- west africa
salt- north africa
gold- south africa
a region that is made up of different places that are linked and function as a unit