<span>Ice age following is an example of a long-term
climatic change. Because ice age happens every 300-400 million years when the
earth tries to revive back its natural state form. Blizzard happens during a snowstorm
and also lasts in days to months. Summer and winter are types of seasons occurring
for a few months.</span>
Rain falling on a slope
Water flowing downhill a region
large rocks and debris on a slope
Mass movement or mass wasting is a process of movement of particles of rocks, soil and other debris down a slope due to the effect of gravitational force acting on these particles. The mass movement or mass wasting occurs due to agents like high speed wind and fast moving water down a slope. Mass movement or mass wasting mainly occur in landslides and mudslides. Rain falling on a slope, water flowing downhill a region, large rocks and debris on a slope are factors which will influence the mass movement of particles.
ponds cooler than 20 °C
There is great effect of temperature on the dissolved oxygen in a pond water,
When the water is hotter it will hold less oxygen but when the water is cold it will holds more oxygen. Therefore, ponds cooler than 20 °C will will have a higher average oxygen concentration.