There is a way to block/report a user on this.........what ever you would call this website........ if you are private messaging someone, up at the top of your private conversation it says block / report user. Click that link.
It will say something like
(Click here) I don't want to receive any more messages from (the user)
Click that ^ to block
Now to report
If you got to the users profile and it will say report click that link and choose why you want to report that user.
There you go :)
H0P3 It H3LPS :)
huh? i'm sorry but language and what are you asking
-Just a note, the korean is upside down.
The first character. geul, means orange, or tangerine.
The other two, euisang, mean clothes.
So put together, it basically means like 'tangerine clothes', or maybe 'orange costume'. With no other context I can't really tell what it exactly means.
I hope this helped anyway. ^^
what do you mean? on a test?