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ubmit. Note: The system will score your response as "incorrect" if you have any spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or spacing errors Did you see the movie, The Lord of the Rings. Most people know that it's based on J.R.R. Tolkien's book? But few realize that, by day, Tolkien was a professor of ancient languages! He led a very normal life as a college professor, preparing lectures and grading papers. He loved to write, however, and in his spare time at night, he escaped to a world of hobbits, elves, and other creatures! In 1937, he published The Hobbit? Then he wrote the three novels that are known together as The Lord of the Rings! It took him twelve years? Have you ever seen the three books in one volume. If so, you know how much work Tolkien put into creating his fantasy world! Actually, it's surprising that it took him only twelve years.
Did you see the movie The Lord of the Rings? Most people know that it's based on J.R.R. Tolkien's book. But few realize, that by day, Tolkien was a professor of ancient languages. He led a very normal life as a college professor, preparing lectures and grading papers. He loved to write. However, and in his spare time at night, he escaped to a world of hobbits, elves and other creatures. In 1937, he published The Hobbit. Then, he wrote the three novels that are known together as The Lord of the Rings. It took him twelve years. Have you ever seen the three books in one volume? If so, you know how much work Tolkien put into creating his fantasy world. Actually, it's surprising that it took him only twelve years.
I think so because being able to say you did/accomplished something, can bring you a sense of purpose and happiness. If you focus on merely trying to be happy, you will get carried away and frustrated, but if you set goals, and accomplish them, you wil feel like a winner.