One of the worst ways that impacted the country with it's involvement in the world war I was adverse impact on the economic condition.
One of the most important impacts of the involvement of the United States of America in world war I was adverse impact and effects on the economic conditions of the country.
To finance the war and get money to protect the country from any kind of external attacks, the government of the country borrowed money from the public of the country in the form of liberty bonds. A lot of money was used to produce defense material like bombs and other equipment and other goods and materials were produced in lesser amounts.
Only the United States and Japan came out of the war in better financial shape than before. Uneven distribution of wealth, overproduction by business and agriculture, and the fact that many Americans were buying less.
The biggest difference between international governmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations is that governmental organizations are formally recognized. In this case, international government organizations are organizations that are created by the agreement of three or more countries under international law.