Nirvana is a state of enlightenment in Hinduism and Buddhism.
You reach Nirvana by following the Noble Eightfold Path and trying to accumulate good karma.
Plantation owners have slaves that plant and do their work for them, enslaved Africans work for plantation owners and ect, abolitionist want to end slavery
Spiro Agnew was accused of taking bribes and forced to resign as Vice President of the United States. The charges stemmed from corrupt activity as a public official in Maryland.
emeralds are the conflict
John Locke was an English political philosopher in the 17th century. He published many great works, such as:
- An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: In this work, Locke states that individuals do not come to this world with innate ideas or beliefs, but as a blank sheet.
- Two Treatises of Government: Since Locke feared reprisal, this work was published anonymously. In this work, he confronted the King's absolute power by stating that domination, slavery and absolute monarchy are not justifiable. This work of his also supports the right to revolution.
- Some Thoughts Concerning Education. This work can be considered one of his most influential works where he gives advices on how to educate and raise children. He believes children are just as capable as adults and should be treated as such.