The Shiites believed that Ali, Muhammad's son in law was the fourth rightly guided caliph, as he was related to Muhammad. This caused the first division in Islam as two groups, the Shiites and the Sunnis formed.
Its considered AWOL and punished by jail time. Technically, the maximum U.S. penalty for desertion in wartime remains death, although it hasn't happened since 1945. No US serviceman has received more than 18 months imprisonment for desertion or missing movement during the Iraq war. You will either get nonjudicial punishment or court martial.
New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the Constitution, technically bringing the new law of the land into effect.
The constitutional amendment that requires electors to cast separate votes for president and vice president is THE TWELFTH {12} AMENDMENT.
The twelfth amendment was enacted in 1804 and it requires that electors should case separate ballot for the president and the vice president. If it now happens than no candidate receives a majority, then the house can choose the top three candidates for the president and the top two candidates for the vice president.