#School Name
school_name = "Klein Cain"
# Asks for name
full_name = input("Please enter your full name ")
#Says Hello
print("Hello, ", full_name, "!!")
#Says the letters in your name
print("There is ", len(full_name), " letters in your name")
#Says final message
print("??? is a Cain where??? ", school_name)
midpoint i'm pretty sure. :)
Customer Table
- Customer name
- Customer id
Product Table
- Product id/number (primary key, auto increment)
- Product name
- Product sale price
Transactions Table
- Transaction Id
- Customer Id
- Product id
- Quantity
- Price
- Date
Natalie wants to fetch following information from database
- Look up customer name and sale price
- Sort items in db by product number
To lookup customer name and sale price perform a join on Transactions table and Customer table.Assuming database is build in mysql the query to fetch required results would be
select transction.productId,transaction.customerid,customer.customername from transactions join customer ON
where productid="user provided product id of returned product"
For sorting products by number set produc number in product table a auto increment primary key
ctrl Z
ctrl Z is the shortcut for undo it will reverse the last thing you did ctrl Y is redo if i accidently did ctrl Z i can do ctrl Y. Hope this helps!
the right answer may be A.