The following lines from "Not Waving but Drowning" contain assonance: "Oh, no no no, it was always too cold."
<h3>What is the theme of the poem "Not Waving but Drowning"?</h3>
- At first glance, this poem appears to be about the death of a man who drowns after onlookers misinterpret his signals for help with waving. In reality, it is about human experiences and emotions and describes depression and isolation.
- Smith wants the reader to understand that this man is drowning in emotion, and the poem as a whole is a metaphor for the isolation caused by apathy and being an outsider.
- 'Not Waving But Drowning' by Stevie Smith is a three-stanza poem with a rhyme scheme that deviates slightly as the poem progresses. The lines rhyme abcb in the first stanza, defe in the second, and gbhb in the third.
To learn more about "Not Waving but Drowning", refer to:
In "Beowulf, An Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem", the author narrates the story of <em>Beowulf, a young Gaetish warrior</em>. He came to the aid of King Hrothgar whose kingdom was terrorized by a monster named Grendel. Beowulf used his epic strength and bravery and slayed the monster, saving the kingdom from further oppression. The above lines are from the lines 56-60 of Chapter VII. It mentioned the time when Hrothgar describes how he had known about Beowulf and his father, Grethel who had been his friend. And now, Beowulf had also came to offer his services to his father's good friend for all the good that he had done for them.
<span>A broken spirit after being tricked.</span>