if you live in the northern hemishpere the earth is closer to the sun during winter but the earth is tilted so we are away from the sun making it winter while the southern hemisphere is closer. and when its our summer the earth is further away but the earth is tilted to make us closer than the southern hemisphere
1. Mars has a thin athmosphere
2. Its red colour is dues to a big number of iron oxide
3. It has two moons
4. Olympus Mons, a volcano on Mars is also the largest volcano in the solar system
5. Mars is visible from Earth with a naked eye
6. It has around half the diameter of earth
7. Mars is less dense than Earth
Attempting to persuade MPs, Mr Johnson said the deal allowed the UK to leave the EU bloc "whole and entire" and that it protected the Irish peace process.
"I hope very much now... that my fellow MPs in Westminster do now come together to get Brexit done, to get this excellent deal over the line and deliver Brexit without any more delay," he said.
MPs will debate and vote on whether to accept the deal on Saturday, during a special sitting in the House of Commons. Opposition leaders have indicated they will not throw their weight behind it without a second referendum on Brexit.
If the deal is rejected, attention will turn to whether Mr Johnson will ask the EU for a Brexit delay, as he is compelled to do under legislation. The Benn Act blocks Britain leaving the EU without a deal on 31 October but Mr Johnson seems intent on exiting on that date, deal or no deal.
On Thursday President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker ruled out an extension, saying: "If we have a deal, we have a deal and there is not need for prolongation."