Answer: Amending the Constitution to make it easier to amend might never de-politicize the courts, but it would shift more of the political battle away from them, which is a good thing.
Anything that can engage and grab a player's attention long enough to evoke emotion has the potential to go viral. When you're making a game, try to include one or multiple 'wow factors' within your design. Add unique gameplay and high-quality graphics but don't stop there.
This question was answered by Skrskr1717 Ambitious
papermaking, gunpowder, compass
A. The United States declared war on Japan.
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, which is shown in the picture, the United States president, Franklin D. Roosevelt immediately went to congress to get approval for war on Japan.
hey mate this is your answer
this is the main advantage of anthropology.
To obtain a deeper and more experienced insight of the activities performed in a society ,how people think and it also allows them to gain a good over veiw of how and why a society functions.
- information is accurate
- it enables historians. to determine the cultural past of a community
- information is easily obtain from the surrounding
- it compliments other sources.