Lifestyle, serious health issues and age.
Health is a right, even though in several countries it's not considered so. when doing a research about health it's important to understand how health is not precisely just the lack of sickness, but instead, it's the complete wellbeing of the person. Therefore, there will be many factors that affect it, nevertheless, the most important one is Lifestyle. Lifestyle may include many other insights, but exercise, eating habits and load of stress should be enough for knowing how the person develops everyday. Then, if the person has any health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure or a cardiac condition, this will definitely affect the way that the health service should treat the case. And finally, the age also affects the study. It's not the same a baby's health than a grown up or even a elder. This way, age affects severely the study and also provides some important information about the audience in general.
A) unlike the second traveler, the first traveler is quick to abandon his friend and protect only himself.
He is motivated by vengeance for how he was treated.
External. You can see the glares and you can see the tree on top of the men.