Heinz soup. These days there are many alternatives to Heinz soup.
Shell petrol. We say that petrol is overall inelastic.
Tesco bread. Tesco bread will be highly price elastic because there are many better alternatives.
Daily Express.
Kit Kat chocolate bar.
Porsche sports car.
Soft drinks. Soft drinks are not a necessity, so a big increase in price would cause people to stop buying or look for other brands.
Cereal. Like soft drinks, cereal is not a necessity and there are many different choices.
Answer: death: well, she’s talking about death metaphorically as if it’s a person. It’s capitalized bc Death is a personification of death represented as a human-like concept.
Best: the capitalized Best is similar to the death. But it’s her intent to tie the concept of the superlative metaphorically to a person. However, the difference is, it’s an actual person not a personification of a concept
The answer to your question is number one, improved.
Compound sentence.
The fact that a semi-colon is present (this is usually my sign) and there are two independent clauses shows that this is a compound sentence.