I would describe myself as a cloud. Clouds often change in shape. I’’ emotional, my mood always changes, just like the cloud changes it’s shape. Clouds also move slowly on the sky. I did the same too, walk slowly and observe things around me. (Use quilbot so you don’t get in trouble for plagiarizing) ;)
hasty generalization
Fallacy can be defined as a mistaken or false belief that are based on illogical arguments or reasoning.
However, a lot of people might actually think it to be true but it isn't. There are various types of fallacy and these include; black or white, non sequitur, ad hominem, bandwagon, appeal to authority, straw man, and oversimplification or hasty generalization.
Given the following statement of fallacy;
"I have seen six people use Aloe Pot sunscreen since we arrived at the beach. It must be one of the better brands to use."
Thus, this is Hasty Generalization Fallacy because it isn't logically justified by enough empirical evidence.
Hasty generalization is a type of fallacy that involves making a claim or reaching a conclusion based on very little evidence or instances of an event.
Tim shepard and like ever socs
that's my movie man