Correct answer: Exterminating all European Jews
The Holocaust was the mass extermination of Jews and other unwanteds in Germany during World War II. The Nazi Party under Adolph Hitler was in charge in Germany at the time. This was a fascist and nationalistic form of government.
Hitler and the Nazis believed in the supremacy of what they referred to as the "Aryan race" -- which was a term they used for the Germanic peoples. They believed their race was superior to "lesser races" like the Jews, blacks and others. Hitler and the Nazis mounted a campaign in Germany to promote their race over others like Jews and Roma (gypsies), etc.
They enacted what are called the Nuremberg Laws, which were passed at a Nazi rally in Nuremberg in 1935. These laws denied citizenship and other rights to Jewish persons. Examples of such laws:
- The Reich Citizenship Law ruled that only persons of proper ethnic blood were eligible to be German citizens.
- The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour prohibited marriages or any sexual intercourse between Jews and Germans. It even went so far as to say that Jewish persons could not employ female Germans in their household who were under the age of 45 (afraid of something happening and somebody becoming pregnant.)
The Nazi campaign against Jews got even worse from there. They rounded up Jews and put them in concentration camps (which later became extermination camps). In support of their World War effort, they used Jews for forced labor in the concentration camps. They also used Jewish persons and others they deemed undesirable essentially as laboratory rats for doing unethical medical experiments on them. For example, they'd put persons in a pressure chamber to find out how high an altitude they could let their pilots fly before they'd become unconscious from the altitude and pressure. Others of their experiments were even more gruesome.
Ultimately, there was what the Nazis called "The Final Solution" (in the 1940s). Millions of Jews, along with other unwanteds, were exterminated in mass killings. The Nazis used poison gas and other means of killing in their extermination camps.
The Muslim rulers gave the
merchants gold coins to trade goods with other parts of the world, such
as China and Europe <span>, and bring them back to the Muslim Empire, and make it so more people will purchase these much desired goods.
I hope this helps.
Answers: the executive
And legislature
The responsibility of "the executive" are to enforce laws to maintain law and order in the state.
The judiciary includes criminal and civil courts and helps interpret the united states constitution.
The legislature are in almost every state, which has power to amend the constitution for this purpose, legislature has to pass special laws, called amendments.
He was in the third party group. The republicans. Also known as the National Union Party.