Plan the script, characters, and how the game is played
many forms
Polymorphism is a construct in object oriented programming which means multiple forms.For example: Suppose I have a function which performs the add operation on two integers and another function with the same name which concatenates 2 given strings:
- string add ( string a , string b)
The two functions represent polymorphic forms of the add function. The function to be invoked at runtime is determined by the runtime argument type.
For example , add (2,3) will invoke int add ( int a, int b);
Similarly, add("hello","world") will invoke string add ( string a , string b);
People who went overseas to work can learn different skills and technologies which can be beneficial for the development of our own country.
In Javascript, you can accept an input value by using the prompt() function and saving the input into a variable. In the following lines of code, I have declared the three variables at the beginning and then prompted the user to enter a value for each and saved the values in the correct variables. In Javascript length is a keyword so I used len instead.
let base, height, len;
base = prompt("Enter Base value: ");
height = prompt("Enter Height value: ");
len = prompt("Enter Length value: ");