True.This is because in order to communicate you need to listen and debate with other people as well as speak to get across your thoughts and opinions. If you couldn't speak, how would you communicate?
It pours really really bad to you lol and i i i i i i i i i i i
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Well, the first reason is that back then, in Dante's time, "comedy" didn't really mean funny. In this case, it meant that even though the whole story/poem is full of despair and torture and torment, it actually ends with a happy ending. Back in Dante's era, this meant that instead of being a tragedy, this epic poem was considered a comedy.
Consider Shakespeare's work Romeo and Juliet. It ends with the two young lovers dying, right? That is a tragedy. There is no happiness there. But at the end of Inferno, Dante the Pilgrim actually succeeds in his goals. <span />