If you conserve or save scarce resources they will no longer be as scarce as before and more of those scarce resources will be available. Conservation can even make the scarcity of a resource nonexistent, meaning the resource is now plentiful or enough.
Different people have different concerns. Some people see the environment as a beautiful thing that we need to protect and conserve. Some people do not care about the environment at all or they do not see the problems as problems.
The answer is letter d, the authority gives a state the right to use its power. It is because this can explain the relationship of power and authority where in it happens in today's modern world of which an individual can use their power when they have the authority or right to do so
Answer and Explanation:
Among the positive consequences in the diagnosis labels we can mention the organization of medical information and the acceleration of treatments that these labels provide, because they allow the medical team to have quick access to information about the disease according to the diagnostic labels it carries.
However, there are negative consequences of diagnostic labels, among them, we can mention the possibility of generating prejudices against patients and the generation of stereotypes. These points disrupt the life of the patient and their caregivers, in addition to delaying many treatments that would be effective without these consequences.
First you get the variable alone.
then divide.