The words that could fill the blanks are:
- El estado de ánimo de Juan no es bueno. tal vez tenga una fuerte <u>gripe</u>. Mi padre sufre de <u>tos</u> porque fuma demasiado. este invierno voy a ponerme una inyección para prevenir el <u>virus</u> de la gripe. si ustedes comen mucho van a <u>engordar</u> demasiado. Marta adelgazó muy rápido. ¿crees que tenga <u>alguna enfermedad</u>?
In the text, <u><em>apparently, must be used vocabulary abour diseases or habits, by this reason were selected the words for the blanks</em></u>, however, the words to fill the blanks were selected based in the correct sense of the sentence, but could be other options that fill the blanks too, this happens because the exercise doesn't specify which tense, verb or conjugation must be used there, for next questions.
I recommend you add the options, the verbs that you need or the tense.