The Agrarian Era is one of the most important points in the human history and development. In this era, the humans changed their lifestyle from nomadic to settled one because they were able to produce surplus of food. This resulted in great and rapid development and progress of the human societies. As the humans had much more spare time, they started to occupy themselves with lot of other things, such as science, arts, building, resulting in an explosion of inventions and advancements in a very short period of time, and the process was constantly accelerating and the human kind was moving forward quicker and quicker.
military revolution in which cannon, muskets, and commoner foot soldiers became the mainstays of European armies. Armies grew in size, and most European states maintained standing armies.
B) limbs would get stuck into the machines. Therefore, resulting in loss of limbs. This happened alot and in addition, the environment wasn't so sanitary
The revolution can be thought to have officially started in March 1917 as the bond between the Tsar and most of the Russian people had been broken and Government corruption and inefficiency were rampant.