The correct answer to this could be the liberal capitalism built on democratic beliefs. This ideology best corresponds to the "American Dream". Everyone is equal and everyone can achieve everything.
The just-world phenomenon.
In psychology, the just-world phenomenon refers to a fallacy where someone assumes that something that happened to somebody else (whether good or bad) happened because they deserved it. In other words, this view stems from a misconception that the world is fair or just, and that everybody is just getting what's coming to them. This just-world theory is often used to rationalize any kind of heinous acts, such as torture, murder, genocide, etc., essentially blaming the victim. In this case, the horrors of the Holocaust were rationalized by the German civilian as something that its victims deserved. In that person's mind, a punishment of such magnitude had to be proportional to the magnitude of the victims' crimes. This is an example of the just-world phenomenon.