When oil prices go up, the inverse effect can be seen on the demand as the consumers will do less investment in vehicles (less demand).
Demand and Supply are two inseparable parts of the economy and these two aspects affects each other. Demand is what (quantity of goods and services) which the consumers was to but at a certain point of time and at the certain available price.
The supply and price has negative relationship. When the supply of goods and services increases in the market the price decreases. Supply depends on the price, when supply increases price decreases and vice a versa.
Moses endeavor to build up strength among the Israelites by selecting the pioneers of tens, the fifties, thousands. They filled in as educators and consultants, as judges, and as pioneers in the event of war. Before that, the general population were driven just by Moses and the Elders.
Answer: By setting an example (i think)
From :
The school system in India has four levels: lower primary(age 6 to 10), upper primary(11 to 12), high(13 to 15) and higher secondary(17 to 18). The lower primary school is divided into five”standards”, upper primary school into two, high school into three and higher secondary into two. Hopefully this helps you.