key signatures are important because they tell how how to play the music. For instance, in the key of C, it has no sharps or flats so you play all white keys. In the key of D, you have two sharps which are C and E. instead of playing the white notes for them you'd play the black.
The first one might be from ancient Egypt, but I'm not 100%. I don't know about the culture for the last two but comparing them, I see the first one has lots of animals and people on it, which the other two don't have. one thing different about the second one is that it is only a singular thing and I can see that it is a lot more emotional than the other ones. one thing different about the last one is that it has a lot more symmetrical designs and is more abstract without animals/humans. now some things similar to the first and last are that there are a lot of small things that collectively add to the piece. and some similarities to the first and second are that it (looks like) they have something living in them.
Roman architecture emphasized<em>grandeur</em>
<em>Hope I helped</em>
I'm an amateur at digital art, so my suggestion may not be as useful to you. I suggest using the RCA Cambio, It's 32GB and comes with Paint 3D. It's also a laptop/tablet hybrid, so it's good for other things too. I got it at the affordable price of $120 at Staples
Your artist friend,