Alcohol and Drug Abuse Lake Lake Blalock Lake Bowen Lake Brown Lake Cooley Lake Greenwood Lake Hartwell Lake Jocassee Lake Keowee Lake Marion Monticello Reservoir Lake Moultrie Lake Murray Parr Reservoir Pepsi Cola Lake Richard B. Russell Lake Saluda Lake Lake Strom Thurmond Swan Lake/Iris Gardens Lake Tugalo Lake Wateree Lake Wylie Lake Yonah Lake Secession
There are 24 man made lakes in South Carolina. There names are as follows Alcohol and Drug Abuse Lake, Lake Blalock, Lake Bowen, Lake Brown, Lake Cooley, Lake Greenwood, Lake Hartwell, Lake Jocassee, Lake Keowee, Lake Marion, Monticello Reservoir, Lake Moultrie, Lake Murray, Parr Reservoir, Pepsi Cola Lake, Richard B. Russell Lake, Saluda Lake, Lake Strom Thurmond, Swan Lake/Iris Gardens, Lake Tugalo, Lake Wateree, Lake Wylie, Lake Yonah, Lake Secession
counterclockwise in Northern Hemisphere but clockwise in Southern Hemisphere
In fact, tropical cyclones — the general name for the storms called typhoons, hurricanes or cyclones in different parts of the world — always spin counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, and spin in the opposite direction in the Southern Hemisphere.
<span>Faults that are undergoing movement (i.e. displacement of rock
strata) that is essentially horizontal in direction and parallel to the strike
of the fault surface are called Strike-slip faults. </span>Other names for Strike-slip faults<span> are transcurrent faults, wrench
faults, or lateral faults.</span>