Answer: What is the social problem experienced by the protagonist? Define this problem. 3) What are the causes and consequences of this problem? 4) Why is Mara so afraid? Who are you afraid of? 5) In principle, do you receive any help? .Why ?. 6) What strategies does Mara develop to resolve this conflict? 7) How is the protagonist's family formed and what role do they play (what do they do) in the face of the situations lived by her? 8) Who shows solidarity with Mara and how do they help her? Do they suffer consequences for helping her? Develop 9) What are Maxi's arguments to attack her verbally, psychologically and physically? 10) Who is Darío and who is the relationship with Mara? In what way do you try to approach her? Why is Mara also afraid of her? 11) Why is Mara so concerned about Alma? 12) Develop some of the attempts to get out of the situation of violence experienced by the protagonist. 13) In the novel narrative fragments appear with two different types of letters; transcribe an example of each type and explain why this technique is used. 14) Is the problem experienced by this young woman resolved? Justify and develop. 15) Did you like the novel? Was it difficult to read? Why do you think you read these kinds of books right now?
para aprender español :v. .
Adios mis amigos is how to say "goodbye my friends" in Spanish.