Answer: During the day, especially in the afternoon, layers of air heat up, which is needed to create convective clouds
Explanation: Convective clouds, as the name implies, are created by convection. It is a process of raising warmer air of lower density than is the case with the surrounding atmosphere. Warm air contains more moisture, i.e. water vapor than cold, and when warm air rises during the day, it passes through layers of cooler air, causing water vapor to condense, creating droplets. During the morning, the air is generally cold, and during the day due to the rise in temperature, certain layers of air become warm, which then begin to rise and pass through the surrounding, cooler layers. Thus, the said condensation process takes place.
Tourism is the LARGEST industry in the world.
Sedimentary, like sand.
Weathering and erosion make large rocks smaller.
A contour line<span> or isoline </span>connects points<span> on a map that are of </span>equal<span> value. Examples of contour </span>lines<span> or isolines are isobars (pressure) and isotherms (</span>temperature<span>). Perhaps the prototypical example of a contour </span>line<span> is that which </span>connects points of equal<span> elevation (that is, height above sea level).</span>