Sparta was focused on military training, and Athens on academics. Maybe you ran into Socrates the philosopher in Athens, and he started asking you odd questions. Or perhaps you noticed children being matched out of Sparta as you entered, possibly to be made to (if the rumors are true) fight wolves in the wilderness. You likely noticed the red plumes on Spartan helmets, and the blue on Athenian ones if any.
The resignation of president Nixon caused some people to distrust the government
<h3>Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people's communes. Mao decreed increased efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside.</h3>
Explanation:By acquiring additional land, slaves, and troops, Romanizationcontributed to the Roman Empire's power and growth.What is Romanization?1. The more powerful military is, the more they can conquer and become stronger.2. It increased the size of the Roman Empire, as well as its culture and Christian faith. This occurred prior to the Punic Wars.3. They not only taught the people of the region they conquered about Roman culture, but they also took control of the territory and its resources.For more information about Romanization, refer