In the first unqualified defeat of a British naval squadron in history, U.S. Captain Oliver Hazard Perry leads a fleet of nine American ships to victory over a squadron of six British warships at the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812.
The correct answer is: Spain sent a fleet of ships called the Spanish Armada to crush the English Navy.
In 1566, the Dutch had rebelled against the Spanish, as the Netherlands was one of many Spanish Colonies. The main reason for the rebellion was the fact that many of the Dutch citizens become Protestants and because of that, they were persecuted by Catholic Spain. Spaniards sent an army to the Netherlands to fight the rebellion.
Catholic Spain also was a threat to England (they also become Protestants), so queen Elizabeth decided to help the Dutch.
In 1584, Spain allied with the <em>French Catholic League</em> to fight against Protestants in the Netherlands. In response, Elizabeth signed the <em>Treaty of Nonsuch</em> in 1585 where she promised to send an army to the Netherlands to fight against Spaniards.
This battle is considered a declaration of war against Spain. King Philip II began the preparations to send the Spanish Armada to invade England. This battle was one of the largest in the Anglo-Spanish War between 1585 and 1604. The <u>defeat of the Spanish Armada</u> brought Elizabeth great popularity and fame among England.
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