In my opinion, homework help students practice getting a better understanding of the various topics taught daily at school. Homework gives way for individual learning i.e a way by which students can discover and learn new things and also build on what has been taught at school.
Although homework is good and helps students expand their knowledge on different topics of various subjects, it is usually too much. For instance, a total number of 10 subjects are taught daily, if all the teachers give homework on all 10 subjects with lots of questions, students will not be able to meet up as it would be too overwhelming on students.
I believe that homework should be limited because when it is too much it causes sleep deprivation, stress, weight loss, inability to function properly in the class. Two hours of homework is what is recommended for high school students by the National Education Association. Study shows that a percentage of students claim that homework is the main cause of stress.
In conclusion, to reduce the workload on students, teachers should conduct a test and classwork after each class.
There are many theories about tooth problems. In ancient times many people believed that people could lose their lives to tooth problems, due to spreading infections throughout the body.
If you had lots of cavities or other tooth problems, and you do not get them cured, they will most likely fall out and infection could spread, which could be fatal.
I hope this helps!
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The one universal thing that makes people the same is that we all originated in modern day Africa, meaning we are all African. Which means there is no white and black, no lower and no higher. So, everyone is basically the same person here. Even though we have different faces, colors, backgrounds that all doesn't contribute to our distinctive homes. You can't call someone African just because they look brown or black you can call someone African because they were born with you in modern day Africa.