b "If I did those things, then I could enjoy the other areas of my life."
Liam Dolan's essay "Carry Your Own Skis" is a short narrative about how she learned to mind her own business and take care of her needs alone, independently. The phrase <em>"carry your own skis"</em> may have been used by her mother to teach them about being independent in their need to enjoy skiing in the literal sense, but at the same time, it also metaphorically suggest the importance of being independent and able to stand up on one's own feet without depending on others.
In her remark <em>"Dull, yes, but freeing, too",</em> she said this after talking about her various responsibilities and how she did them all by herself. And the remark that <em>"the other areas of my life"</em> are<em> "dull"</em> but <em>"freeing"</em> best captures the idea behind this quote. She meant to say that after all things are done, she has time for other things in life which may be dull but the very essence of doing things independently gave her a feeling of achievement, of being free with no obligations to anyone.
Thus, the correct answer is option b.