D) Natural gas prices will fall; jobs will be created both directly in the gas industry and indirectly as regional and national economies benefit from lower energy cost.
The fracking is something that can boost the economies, not just on national but also on global level. While this process is very bad for the environment, it is the opposite for the economy. There are two main reasons as to why the fracking will have positive economic influence, one being the lower price in natural gas, and the other being opening more jobs and development of businesses.
The gas industry needs lot of workforce, so if the fracking is implemented, lot of people will get jobs, a well paid ones too. Also, increased competition on the market and easier availability of the natural gas will result in lowering of the price of it. Lower prices will mean that the businesses will be able to develop further, many more to recover, as well as starting of new businesses, which in turn will mean that millions of people will get jobs because of the demand on the labor market.
Mercantilism was a widely economic practice during the 16th century - 18th century by countries such as Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Netherlands.
- The economic practice "Mercantilism" is a belief anciently used to conserve nation's wealth and power through increasing exports over imports.
- Thus, a mercantilist an entity who embrace and practice Mercantilism.
In conclusion, a mercantilist will definitely agree the practice is good for the country because its protect and increases the countries economic wealth, leading to increased influence and power.
Learn more about Mercantilism here
Women usually wear long dresses and skirts in vibrant colors and patterns with blankets around their waists, and for special occasions (like church or weddings) they wear a traditional Basotho dress called the seshoeshoe. Seshoeshoe are worn in endless varieties of designs, patterns and colours.
From 1754, with the beginning of the French and Indian War, the population of the then British colonies in America began to acquire a feeling of national unity based on the common characteristics of the colonists, the culture of the colonies and the confrontation to a common enemy such as the French.
With the end of the war in 1763, the colonists understood that they did not need Great Britain to defend themselves from external threats, since the colonies alone had defeated the French. Then, added to this, the imposition by Parliament of a series of unfair taxes caused the colonists to rebel against Great Britain, considering themselves a different nation with its own idiosyncrasies.
This originated the beginning of the Revolutionary War, where the colonies embraced the liberal ideology to form a new nation, the United States of America.
January 27, 1973
Explanation: President Nixon signs the Paris Peace Accords, ending direct U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War