The scale is represented by numbers ranging from 0 to 14 where 7 is neutral. Greater than 7 on the pH scale is more alkaline and less than 7 is more acidic. The pH of hair ranges between 4.5 – 5.5. Lye relaxers range from 12 – 14 and no-lye relaxers range from 9 – 11
Music from the Romantic period or era (1850-1900) is characterized
by personal, emotional and expressive style and composition. The melodies and
lyrics of music from this period evoke more emotion than other styles of music.
Compositions from the Romantic era of music revolved around themes of: nature,
the supernatural, magic, dreams experiences of love or negative feelings and so on.
٢- اختبأ القرد داخل الصندوق المفتوح
٣- توجه الشرطي نحو اللص الهارب
٤- جلس الراعي بين الاغنام الواقفة
٥- قفز القط وسط الفئران الخائفة
You add the verb and the subject to complete the sentence as I answered.
what is Line Variation- line variation is the use of a variety of line including width, length, texture, thickness, etc. to add interest to a drawing or painting. Length - lines can be long or short.